The Loan Gunmen was founded on 12 - 12 - 2000. This is a new clan, based on the westwood chat server. We will soon be up to strength, and will start recruiting then. We have some prototype programs in development, scripts already made, and some other….. Stuff on the way. We are currently short of manpower, we need people who can actually contribute to the clans development, any input into the clan will be greatly rewarded. If you wonna join us then send an e-mail to us , and we will consider your request. We will shortly have the web site up and running at a level of workability, but as I said, we are severely undermanned. Chances are that you have been given the address from a member, if so, remember, we ARE CURRENTLY NOT UP 2 SPEED, your discretion is needed so that when we make our presence known, we will rock the whole of westwood!
More to come soon…...